Communication & Connection

Do you know the weight of your words?  We do know the power and weight of words when they hit us. They affect us in a positive or negative way.  But all too often we don’t view those words in the same light when our words are hitting other people. In this week’s conversation with Pastor David and his wife, Kami, we look at the three dynamics that determine what people hear, regardless of what we say.

Ephesians 4:29

Discussion topics

1. Take time to read and discuss Ephesians 4:29 which says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”.

What do you think or hear when you read this scripture?

Words can be for good or bad, to build, destroy, encourage, discourage, inspire, or actually wound.  How does this scripture play into this thought about words?

2. On Sunday it was said, “Words are not equally weighted. Negative words weigh way more than positive words”.  What are your thoughts about this statement?

With this statement in mind, where do you have work to do and who would benefit from that work?

3. When it comes to the second point in Sunday’s message, the source determines the weight, you should always take into consideration who you are and what you represent to the person on the other side of you. Because even though you are in a relationship with them, chances are, it’s not the same relationship.  What relationship in your life has been damaged because you didn’t realize this perspective?

4. With everything you heard on Sunday, how important it is to understand that mouth-control is the ultimate in self-control?

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