Freedom Through Christ – Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey?  Why did the people shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”?  As we continue exploring the passion of Christ leading into this Easter season we look at these questions plus many more.  Join us as we find new Freedom […]

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Freedom Through Christ – Anointed at Bethany

Anointed at Bethany If you were Jesus, and you were weeks out from going to the cross, how would you be feeling?  If you were Jesus, and you knew that your friend and disciple, Judas, was going to betray you, how would you process that?  With all this going on around and in Jesus, what […]

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5 Ps – Providential Relationships and Pivotal Moments

Providential Relationships and Pivotal Moments Every individual will have a time in their life that they never saw coming. It could be a job loss, a challenging health issue, or a relationship conflict. We call these instances Pivotal Moments, and the funny thing is, not every Pivotal Moment is bad nor does every moment blindside […]

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