Jesus Revolution
Jesus Revolution
Easter Have you ever struggled with feeling love, security, affirmation, acceptance, value, and/or purpose? Do you think you are alone with these feelings? This Easter Sunday Pastor David explores how all of us deal with and suffer from an orphan spirit. We will see the results of this mindset in Adam and Eves lives, but […]
Palm Sunday Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey? Why did the people shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”? As we continue exploring the passion of Christ leading into this Easter season we look at these questions plus many more. Join us as we find new Freedom […]
Top Gun Have you ever heard of parables? A basic definition describes a parable as a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. Jesus would tap into people’s imaginations when he shared parables in the scriptures. He painted pictures which revealed deep truths. In our modern times, we take advantage […]
Feeling Empty Have you ever felt empty? Have you ever wondered why everything in your life is ok and there is nothing large looming over but for some reason you don’t feel fulfilled or filled? Today we look at the life of Jesus where he himself was feeling empty and search out what he did […]
Holy Spirit is One of Three Baptisms We know what salvation is and we know why we get water baptized, but what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Is the baptism a necessary step in our salvation and sanctification process? This week we look at the three baptisms and how the baptism of the […]
The Power of God Fasting by its very definition means to cover your mouth and refuse to eat. Prayer is a partnership between the divine and mankind. So, what does prayer and fasting have in common? Join us this week as we discuss the Power of God through fasting.
Good Neighbor Is Jesus up to something in your neighborhood? Is Jesus calling you to be a good neighbor? What does it mean to be a good neighbor? In Luke 10 Jesus expands our understanding of what it means to be a good neighbor. It includes loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute. […]
Teammate There is no “I” in TEAM. Being a part of a team resonates inside the soul of every person. This week we look at the team that Jesus invites all of his followers to be a part of – the church.
Jesus Walks on Water You have probably heard Jesus walked on the water. You might even know the story where Peter got out of the boat and he himself walked on water. How can a story of Jesus walking on water help you today? Join us as we study John 6 and I believe you […]
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