Building Blocks of Faith Pastor Aaron leads the conversation in our 5 Ps series, shares stories, and even invites students to share what God did in AND through them during their summer trip.
Building Blocks of Faith Pastor Aaron leads the conversation in our 5 Ps series, shares stories, and even invites students to share what God did in AND through them during their summer trip.
Apprentice What is the craziest thing Jesus said? Could it be when he told his disciples they would do even greater things than he did? Jesus walked on water. Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. Jesus freed people from evil spirits and even raised his friend Lazarus from the dead. Greater […]
Say Yes Every Day Do you say yes to Jesus on a regular basis? When was the last time you asked Jesus what you should do versus what you want done? We kick off the Becoming the Church series by looking at the most important step – following Jesus…not Jesus following us.
His Disciples Let’s take a journey with Jesus’ disciples. When they were called, then followed, and finally became fishers of men.
We welcomed Apostle Jim Hodges from the Federation of Ministers and Churches located in Texas as our guest speaker this morning.
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