Father’s Day

What is this series about? On this Father’s Day we will look at many of the Old Testament fathers and see one thing that they all have in common, none of them were perfect. Perfection is impossible when you are working with imperfect people. So what is the role of a father and what can […]

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Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day On this Father’s Day we will look at many of the Old Testament fathers and see one thing that they all have in common, none of them were perfect. Perfection is impossible when you are working with imperfect people. So what is the role of a father and what can we strive […]

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Family Life – One Heart

One Heart The heart may be the most important organ in our body and it is used as a picture. Throughout the bible, the heart is referred to in certain issues we face. The Bible considers the heart to be the hub of human personality, producing the things we would ordinarily ascribe to the “mind.” […]

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