Elijah and Elisha

Two of the most famous and well known prophets of the Old Testament are Elijah and Elisha. Elisha was a disciple and protégé of Elijah. When Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind he left behind a double portion mantle for Elisha. Elisha would go on to perform miracles, fight against other prophets and gods and continue to be a voice of peace for the one true God. This week we look at one specific interaction Elisha had with a widow found in 2 Kings 4 and ask the question, “do you see what I see”?

2 Kings 4

Discussion topics

1. What part of this week’s sermon stood out to you the most? Was there a part of the sermon, or the story, that challenged you?

2. Pastor David made a parallel between the widow woman and the business woman. Where in your life do you have a widow’s mindset? Where in your life do the creditors continue to come and collect? Where are you a prisoner of bad identity?

3. Where can your NavGroup be the insightful people to help you see yourself like God sees you? Where do you need to start believing that you have a new identity? What can you do today to pursue your new identity?

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