
In the book of Judges we watch the nation of Israel live and relive a deadly pattern of sin. The Israelites would then repent, God would send a deliverer, and the people would enter a season of rest. This Sunday we look at the lessons we need to learn so we do not live in this destructive cycle.


Discussion topics

  1. What part of the story of Samson stands out most to you and what did you personally take away from that part of the story?
  2. In the book of Judges the Israelites would sin, which led to oppression, they would then repent, God would send a deliverer and then the people would enter a season of rest. Unfortunately, within a generation, the people would sin and the cycle would repeat. Is this pattern in our world today? If so, how? Is this a pattern in your life?
  3. During the sermon Pastor said, “It takes a lifetime to build a reputation but only a moment to tear it down”. What does this phrase mean to you and how should it affect your decision making process?
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