
This week, we continue in our December series, The _________ of Christmas. Specifically, this week, we will focus on The Revelation of Christmas. Over the past several Sundays, we’ve looked at the Hope of Christmas, and we’ve journeyed through the Advent and the prophecies of the coming Christ; but what was really revealed in the coming of Jesus? What was the true gift given? We will explore the unveiling of Heaven as a gift, and we will examine what that unveiling means for you personally as well as how you can gift that unveiling to others.

Scripture: Colossians 1:15

Discussion Topics:

  1. What was one of your favorite Christmas surprises/gifts as a child? Can you recall the excitement you had when you opened it? Or, can you recall the anticipation leading up to it? Consider your favorite childhood, Christmas memory and why it was so special to you.
  2. We learned from Colossians 1:15, that Jesus is “the image of the invisible God,” an earthly reflection of the Father who was unveiled to humanity. Consider and list some of the attributes of Jesus. Next, ask yourself: where does my description of Jesus, the Son, align with *OR* differ from my view of God, the Father? If Jesus reflects the Father, what views of Him do you need to adjust?
  3. We discussed how we get to wrap presents and gift them to others. In the same way, we get to wrap the gift of Heaven — Jesus — and give Him to others. Where in your life this week can you unveil Heaven and show the gift of Jesus to someone who may not know Him?

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