Praying in a crisis takes prayer to a whole new level.  Never let a problem intimidate you.  Instead, let it motivate you to pray!  Seek God for wisdom before you do anything else.  Miracles never happen until you admit that the situation is impossible without God’s help.

Discussion Topics:

  1. Has there ever been a time when you stopped to praise and thank God first in a moment of crisis? If so, how did that act of faith impact your perspective on the crisis?  What changes did you experience physically, emotionally and mentally – were you less anxious or worried, etc.?
  2. Jehosphaphat prayed, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you” (2 Chronicles 20:12 NIV).  Is there a situation that is overwhelming or intimidating you? What steps can you take to shift your focus from your problem to the Problem Solver?
  3. Pastor David said, “When you let God fight your battles, it is a witness to everyone around you.”  What are you communicating to the people around you by the way you handle the crisis in your life?  What does it say about your faith?