What is this series about?

Why do people go to church? What is the church? Is the church a building or is it a people? If I handed you a Bible, and after you read it I asked: what’s the church? What’s the chance you’d say it’s a building, a business, or an institution? I’d say zero. What does it mean to become the church? In this series we look at what it means to become the church based on a book by Pastor Wes Davis by the same title. Each week we explore the original intent behind Jesus’ words of what the church was as well as weekly challenges to help us move in the correct direction of becoming the church… God’s intended church.

You can listen to each messages after their respective date. Click the caption for a week to gain access to a description, discussion questions, and the ability to download digital copies and subscribe to our feeds. Do you want even more? Then check out our other audio series and video playlists that can help you take your next step in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.