My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light

Jesus says in Matthew 11:30, “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”, but what does that mean? The idea of a yoke is not something we deal with or talk about on a daily basis, yet we each go through life everyday with one. Your yoke determines where you go and who you become. So, let’s look a little closer at the yoke of Christ and what it means for us.

Matthew 11:28-30

Discussion topics

  1. Matthew 11:28-30. Reading this after Sunday’s message, what new perspective do you have? How does it encourage you? How does it challenge you?
  2. In life we have 3 yokes to choose from – The yoke of sin, the yoke of religion, and the yoke of Jesus. Which one is easiest for you to put on and which one(s) challenge you? Is it possible to wear more than one at a time? If so, what’s the result? Feel free to be real here.
  3. On Sunday, Pastor Aaron shared a few stories of where he can look back and see how the yoke of Jesus helped him through life moments. Where in life have you had a similar moment of Jesus’ yoke leading you?
  4. When we say yes to Jesus and his yoke, we begin a life journey of salvation to sanctification, relationship to rulership, convert to Christ-like. On your journey today, where’s a new place, direction, or thing you feel Christ is leading you to?
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