In this message of our “Next Steps” series, Pastor Aaron looks at another practical step in learning how to move forward. Oftentimes in order to move forward we have to let go of what we are leaving behind. So join us in learning how we can let go in order to take hold of what God has for us.
Scripture: Acts 3:1-10

Discussion Topics:

  1. Read Acts 3:1-9. Is there a part of this story that stood out or spoke to you differently than before?
  2. On Sunday we looked at how the lame beggar was settling for a counterfeit until he saw and took hold of the real thing. In this context, how would you define counterfeit versus the real thing?
  3. Why is the counterfeit sometimes so appealing over the real thing in our own life? Why is it always the right next step to let go of the counterfeit?
  4. Where is a place in your life where you may need to let go of a counterfeit and take hold of the real thing?