The Good Old Stories – Saul

Saul In the Old Testament Saul is identified by God and anointed by Samuel to become the first king of Israel. However, through Saul’s life and reign we see the problems and destructive nature of insecurities that are never addressed. But like Saul, are there places of insecurity that need to be addressed in our […]

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Family Life – One You

One You You are unique. The complexity of that concept can get lost in the simplicity of the statement. You have a fingerprint that’s distinctive, an eye pattern that is unlike anyone else. Your DNA is yours alone. Let’s be honest, if you have heard this thought once, you have heard it a million times. […]

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REALationship Talks – Communication

Relationship Communication Welcome to week two of a three-week series known as (Real)ationships. Pastor David is joined by his wife, Kami, to explore, discuss and reveal what a real relationship looks like biblically and practically. Join them as they explore aspects of communication and how it plays a vital, if not keystone, part in every […]

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REALationship Talks

Contract verses Covenant For this series, Relationship Talks, Pastor David will be joined by his wife, Kami. Each week they will explore, discuss and reveal what real relationships look like biblically and practically.  With 41% of first marriages ending in divorce, on average within 8 years, everyone knows someone who’s relationship started out hot as […]

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