Contract verses Covenant

For this series, Relationship Talks, Pastor David will be joined by his wife, Kami. Each week they will explore, discuss and reveal what real relationships look like biblically and practically.  With 41% of first marriages ending in divorce, on average within 8 years, everyone knows someone who’s relationship started out hot as fire but somehow ended cold as ice.  How can two people be madly in love end up despising each other?  This week’s topic of contract verses covenant looks at the life of King David and his wife Michal, from 1 Samuel, and looks to answer this age-old dilemma.

I Samuel 18:20-21, 19:11-18

Discussion topics

  • If you are familiar with King David’s first wife, Michal, then you are probably familiar with the passage from 2 Samuel 6:16 that states she despised David. What did you know about this story before Sunday’s sermon? Do you view Michel and King David’s relationship different after Sunday’s sermon? How would you tell/describe this story in your own words?
  • A contract, as discussed Sunday, is conditional and built upon a pre-set list of rules. In a covenant, it is unconditional and set in the context of relationship and built upon principles. How would you describe a relationship built upon these two concepts and which one do you believe is the healthiest way to have a long-lasting, healthy relationship? Why?
  • This question is meant for you to talk practical technique and tools. What do you do to keep a relationship healthy? What do you do, and remember… you have to be honest here… that breaks down a relationship and/or hinders health from being present? Is there something from this past Sunday’s sermon that you believe you need to implement and/or change?
  • What is one aspect of King David’s and Michal’s story that stood out to you?
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