The Longing for the Savior
The Longing for the Savior
Challenging Miracle This week we are looking at Herod, Zechariah and Mary to see how each one responded when the word of the Lord came about the miraculous birth of Jesus.
What is this series about? Join us for our miracle series as Pastor David unpacks the historical miracles of our faith and how they shape our belief today.
There is room for everyone on the Nice List Have you ever considered how much Jesus and Santa have in common? They both love and welcome the children of the world. They both look to give gifts to those who believe in them. They both have a naughty and nice list. But, are these lists […]
What is this series about? Let’s discover The Elf Code, shall we? After all, could Buddy the Elf and Santa’s little helpers really be on to something so deeply tied to the spirit and truth of Christmas as they recite the Elf Code?
Treat Everyday Like it’s Christmas Let’s discover The Elf Code, shall we? After all, could Buddy the Elf and Santa’s little helpers really be on to something so deeply tied to the spirit and truth of Christmas as they recite the Elf Code?
WHO Is Christmas About? Christmas is a time where we spread cheer by giving gifts, attending parties, and watching kids plays at church. This year Navigation Church presents to you “WHO Is Christmas About?”. Join as Pastor David explains, with the help of the NavKids, what Christmas is about in this live action drama based […]
Joseph The man named Joseph, how he responded to his call and the heart in which he did so can have a huge impact on how we live our lives today. Join us as Pastor David reveals Joseph.
Jesus Calms the Sea Mark’s depiction of the disciples crossing a sea and an out of nowhere a storm is a perfect illustration for our lives today. Have you ever experienced an event you never saw coming? Maybe you didn’t know how to manage it, and it inevitably revealed what was inside of you? Jesus […]
On this special Sunday service, our Performing Arts Ministry and the Voyage Children’s Ministry partnered to perform an original play entitled “Archie the Angel”, inspired by the children’s book written by Dr. Patti Amsden, minister, author, and teacher. Pastor David gave a short thought at the close of the play.
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