Build Up One Another
Build Up One Another
Series Name – Message Title
At The Movies is one of our most popular and most fun series of the year. Movies have a way of communicating unlike any other art form. Whether filmmakers know it or not, God’s fingerprints can be found all over their written stories. In them we find powerful stories of the human experience—experiences marked with […]
As we continue our series and focus on the life of Joseph, courage for the journey is needed. The pursuit of the dream takes work, courage, and perseverance. You will have obstacles to overcome and sometimes your emotions will get the best of you.
As part of this sermon series, each week we will enjoy scenes from an original musical – live on stage! This theatrical presentation follows the allegorical tale of a man named Ordinary as he leaves behind the Land of Familiar and goes on a quest to realize the dream for his life that he has […]
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