At The Movies is one of our most popular and most fun series of the year. Movies have a way of communicating unlike any other art form. Whether filmmakers know it or not, God’s fingerprints can be found all over their written stories. In them we find powerful stories of the human experience—experiences marked with an intersection with the divine. During the next three weeks we will take some of the most popular films from this last year and discover God in them…At the Movies.

Scripture: Hebrews 12:2

Discussion Topics:

  1. In the movie Iron Cowboy we learned that James wanted to run 50 iron-man triathlons in 50 days in 50 states in order to raise money for a charity by connecting to society through social media. This is the what and the why of the documentary. The first question is “why” are you a Christian? If you are new to the faith this may be easy to answer, but if you have been a follower of Christ for a longer period of time can you remember the why behind your what?
  2. In the documentary we see that James puts on a knee brace thinking that would help him but in fact it is the very thing that restricts the blood flow that he desperately needs. How does that part of the story parallel with Hebrews 12:1, and what weight in your life (or brace that you put on) do you need to lay aside. Why is this important for Christians to do?
  3. Read and discuss Hebrews 12:2. What can we learn from Jesus on how to approach our lives and our race? Another way to ask this question is, “How do you run a successful race as a Christian?”
  4. What is the best description for your race with Christ?
  • You sit on the bench most of the time but you show up for some trainings (i.e. Sunday Morning attendance mainly)
  • You find yourself running sprints (you are either hot or cold, not much in the middle)
  • You are passionate about the sport but you just don’t train much in the off season (you are good with God, you aren’t falling away but you also aren’t pushing forward)
  • You are a consistent marathoner (You find that your life, your decisions and actions are mainly about Christ)

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