Turning Pain into Purpose
Turning Pain into Purpose
Joseph While Joseph’s story is one of the most well known stories in the Bible — the dreamer with the multi-colored coat who was sold into slavery by his brothers who eventually became second-in-command over all of Egypt during a great famine — in this sermon, we examine the key relational collisions Joseph experienced.
One Mode of Operation The phrase “Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.” is best known because of famous Pittsburg pitcher Vern Law. In this one life that you have to live, we look at some key ways to move through life trying to avoid the unnecessary lessons […]
As part of this sermon series, each week we will enjoy scenes from an original musical – live on stage! This theatrical presentation follows the allegorical tale of a man named Ordinary as he leaves behind the Land of Familiar and goes on a quest to realize the dream for his life that he has […]
Sunday, November 12 Navigation hosted a guest minister, Barbara Wentroble, who spoke on having a vision for your destiny. Barbara is founder of International Breakthrough Ministries (IbM), an apostolic network that unites business leaders and church leaders for opportunities in the Kingdom of God. She has motivated and coached leaders in all spheres of influence: government, business, […]
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