Build Up One Another
Build Up One Another
Enemies Within Us Do you over analyze life decisions or are you one that moves out of impulse and never thinks through the consequences? Maybe you are someone who lives life thinking about the past, living in the moment, or always dreams of the future. The one thing we all have in common is that […]
What is this series about? Embark on a transformative journey as we navigate the path to a new and promising future. Through the lens of Moses leading the Israelites from captivity to the Promise Land we will discover together how to confront the fears that pursue us, deal with enemies within us, break through life’s […]
Fear That Is Pursuing Us Join us for week one of this four week conversation as we follow the children of Israel as they leave Egypt and head towards their New Day. In week one we will first discover the fear that is pursuing us and what is the best way to overcome the enemy’s […]
Fear We’re diving into a big topic this week — the topic of FEAR — as we continue in our series, I Want To Quit. What is Fear? Faith is typically juxtaposed to Fear, but are these two forces truly opposites of each other? We’ll also look at how Fear affects not only our present […]
What is this series about? What is that one thing in your life that you know you would be better off without having it in your day-to-day living? Is it anger, porn, gossip, fear or something else? What if I tell you that not only can you quit that thing but life would be healthier […]
Jesus Walks on Water You have probably heard Jesus walked on the water. You might even know the story where Peter got out of the boat and he himself walked on water. How can a story of Jesus walking on water help you today? Join us as we study John 6 and I believe you […]
Thomas: Doubt to Faith This week Pastor Brent gives insight into the journey of Thomas, one of the twelve. Can you relate to the questions Thomas had after the resurrection of his savior? Are there places in your life where you doubt God is real?
This morning Pastor Brent expounds on the fear of the Lord in our Proverbs series. When we think of fear, we associate the word with terror. What does the phrase “the fear of the LORD” refer to? Webster’s Dictionary defines fear as “a feeling of anxiety and agitation produced by the presence or nearness of […]
As part of this sermon series, each week we will enjoy scenes from an original musical – live on stage! This theatrical presentation follows the allegorical tale of a man named Ordinary as he leaves behind the Land of Familiar and goes on a quest to realize the dream for his life that he has […]
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