
David and Goliath is quite possibly the best known story of the Bible. Good versus evil.  Hero versus the villain.  The little guy overcoming the big guy.  Most of the sermons on this subject encourage you to face and defeat your own personal goliath.  This week we are going to see why we are more like the Israelites and less like David… but… that is a good thing.  Why? It helps us see that we all need a hero to step into our lives.

I Samuel 17

Discussion topics

  1. David and Goliath is probably a story that you have heard before and likely, even discussed before.  Before we get started, take some time and share something about the story that was new to you or that you might have seen for the first time.
  2. David was seen in this story doing the little things consistently all the time.  So, when it came time for his “big battle” he had confidence because his private victories were ready for a public win.  Where in your life are you inconsistent with the little things?  What do you know you should be doing on a regular basis but since you do not do it, your growth has been stunted.  Or where has it hindered your relationships? Where has it kept you from becoming the person God has called you to be?
  3. When David said that he would face Goliath, Saul tried to give his armor to David.  David could not wear what was not his to wear.  Is there a place in your life where you are wearing someone else’s armor?  What is a place in your life where you are not being the authentic you?  What would you look like if you wore the armor that God called you to wear?
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