Pastor David shares some hard hitting facts this Father’s Day. Children without fathers are at a 4x’s greater risk of poverty, 7x’s more likely to become pregnant as a teen, 2x’s more likely to drop out of school, and more likely to go to prison, commit crime, and abuse drugs and alcohol. Today we look at the intentional and unintentional consequences of being a father and how our Heavenly Father was, is and will be there throughout our lives.Scripture: Genesis 4:1-16

Discussion Topics:

  1. Read and discuss Genesis 4:1-16 and discuss. Is there a part of the scripture that stands out to you? What part of the story do you understand and what part of the story do you need clarity on?
  2. Share with your NavGroup about your father. What is the positive things that your father taught you and is there a negative that you can identify?
  3. FUN QUESTIONS- Is there a phrase or motto that your father said all the time that you still live by and/or say yourself, today? What is that phrase(s)?
  4. What does it mean to you that God is your Heavenly Father?

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