Enjoy as Pastor David looks at the Christmas story from Mary’s perspective.Scripture: Luke 1:26-38, Luke 1:39-45, Luke 2:19

Discussion Topics:

  1. Read Luke 1:26-38.  Make a list of characteristics that can be seen in Mary. Are any of the characteristics missing in your life?
  2. In Luke 1:26-38 we see Mary ask the angel “How?”. What is the difference between doubting what God is saying and discerning what God is saying?
  3. We see in Luke 1:39-45 that Mary went to Elizabeth’s house after being visited by the angel. One take away from this passage is that we need to run to those who can talk with us, support us, and encourage us when God speaks to us and/or life gives us a Pivotal Moment. When God speaks or life gives you a Pivotal Moment, what or who do you run to?
  4. In Luke 2:19 we read that Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. What “things” were she treasuring and pondering? In your life, what things does your mind normally “treasure and ponder”? Is it hope and life or is it pain and death? Is it constructive or destructive? Is it past pains and problems or is it future ventures and victories?

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