The Lord’s Prayer ends where it begins – with the glory of God.  Jesus is teaching us that the ultimate aim of our prayers is that God will be glorified, no matter the outcome.  The purpose for prayer is not to conform God to my way of seeing things; the purpose for prayers to to conform me to the kingdom, power, and glory of God.

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13Discussion Topics:

  1. Why does God want us to confess our sins to him?
  2. Pastor David said, “Forgiveness isn’t about fairness; forgiveness is about grace.  You will never have to forgive anyone more than God has forgiven you.”  Where would you be without God’s grace?  How does this truth encourage you to be more forgiving?
  3. The goal of our prayers is to glorify God.  Share some of the ways you can do this in your daily prayer life.
40 Days of Prayer, Small Group Study Guide Copyright © 2017 Rick Warren

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