
We welcome a guest minister this week, Pastor Manny Parks from Faith Bible Chapel in Page, Arizona.  Pastor Manny is one of the Pastors on the Apostolic team for Navigation Church.  He joins us today with a timely word for this special Christmas season.Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7

Discussion Topics:

  1. Pastor Manny explained that through Adam and Eve humanity lost their innocence, sin and death was introduced into the world, and relationship with God was broken. But when Jesus came, that all changed. How?
  2. Read Isaiah 9:1-7. This passage refers to a light that has dawned. Today we know that light to be the hope of Christ. In your own life, how have you seen the light and hope of Christ dawn in a dark place?
  3. Jesus Christ was a hope and promise fulfilled. As Pastor Manny laid out, Jesus revealed who God was, made us clean, provided a way to our Heavenly Father, and set us free from condemnation, sin, and death. And that’s a promise Jesus is still fulfilling in your lives today. What promise has God given to you for the current season of your life? How are you holding onto that promise? How can your NavGroup encourage you in holding on to that promise?
  4. Was there any other part of Pastor Manny’s message that stood out and spoke to you?

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