Greatest Showman – Inspired by the imagination of P.T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business & tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.

We host At the Movies because throughout Jesus’ entire time on earth he used stories referred to as parables to show spiritual principles.

In Today’s media-driven culture we set out to implement the same strategies through a different medium. We choose a variety of well known, cult classic, and unknown movies to present biblical truths.

Please know that in showing this film, Navigation Church is neither endorsing nor encouraging the viewing of this movie post service. We encourage anyone and everyone to research all films we show to make sure they are appropriate for you and your family.

All movies shown during At the Movies have been edited to ensure a safe, family-friendly viewing experience.

Scripture:  Genesis 6-8

Discussion Topics:

  1. Take time to read Genesis 6-8 as a group, or if you are familiar with the story re-tell it in your own words.  Having done that, is there a part of the story that you do not understand or have specific questions?
  2. The movie The Greatest Showman was developed for 7 years before it was green-lighted by a studio. Some scholars say that Noah worked on the ark somewhere between 40-75 years.  What is a dream that you have worked on?  How long did you have to chase that dream?  Is there a dream still in your hearts that you have given up on?
  3. On Sunday we discussed two things that should occur while chasing and fulfilling your dream.  The first is falling in love with God more and learning to trust him in a greater way.  The second is finding your true identity as it is shaped and defined in the process.  Why do you think these two things occur.
  4. What other part of the movie / sermon stood out to you?

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