Have you ever heard of parables? A basic definition describes a parable as a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle. Jesus would tap into people’s imaginations when he shared parables in the scriptures. He painted pictures which revealed deep truths. In our modern times, we take advantage of today’s most popular movies to paint a picture while overlaying biblical truths to demonstrate a moral attitude or religious principle we wish to reveal. We call this series, At The Movies.

Unfortunately we are not posting any weekly messages for this series due to copyright restrictions.

John 2:17

Discussion topics

1. During CODA (Children of Deaf Adults), was there anything about the movie, the sermon, or the scriptures used that stood out to you?

2. Pastor said that sacrifice is giving up what you love for those you love even more.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Is there another way that you would demand sacrifice?

3. What do you need to fulfill the four things God has called you to do?

1. A passion that sustains you

2. A loved one to assure you

3. A friend to encourage you

4. A family to cheer you

Take time to talk about these steps.  Is there a place where you should be stepping into?  What do you need to do to step into these areas?

4. John 2:17 says, “Then his disciples remembered this prophecy from scripture: “Passion for God’s house will consume me”.  Where is your passion currently?

Check out our other audio series and video playlists that can help you take your next step in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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