Our At the Movies is week was Avengers Infinity Wars.  We host At the Movies because throughout Jesus’ entire time on earth he used stories referred to as parables to show spiritual principles.
In Today’s media-driven culture we set out to implement the same strategies through a different medium. We choose a variety of well known, cult classic, and unknown movies to present biblical truths.
Please know that in showing this film, Navigation Church is neither endorsing nor encouraging the viewing of this movie post service. We encourage anyone and everyone to research all films we show to make sure they are appropriate for you and your family.
All movies shown during At the Movies have been edited to ensure a safe, family-friendly viewing experience.Scripture: Joshua 7

Discussion Topics:

  1. Are you familiar with the story of Achan’s sin found in Joshua 7? If so, as a group retell it, if not read the story together now.
  2. In Joshua 7:3-5 we see the armies of Israel doing the right thing, for the right reason but ended up having a wrong outcome. Verses 6-9 tell us their response but according to verse 10 God was not too pleased with their actions. Have you ever felt like you did the right thing, for the right reason, and had the wrong outcome? What was it and how did you respond?
  3. In Joshua 7:20 we see that men lost their lives, the army was defeated and the people’s hearts melted and became like water because one person, Achan, moved out of selfish intentions. Have you ever been hurt because of someone else’s personal greed and wants got in the way of the greater good? Are you past the pain? If not what can you do to forgive and move on? If you have, what steps did you take?
  4. What other part of the movie / sermon stood out to you?

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