Pastor David continues our Built to Connect series taking a look at how Jesus intentionally connected with individuals that society distanced themselves from.Scripture: John 4:1-42

Discussion Topics:

  1. Due to poor weather conditions many NavGroups were not able to meet and discuss Football Sundays discussion questions. Please take time to answer the following questions from two weeks ago. During this past Sunday’s Football Sunday video they talked about how we need live shoulder to shoulder in order to win in life. As a NavGroup discuss what it means to stand shoulder to shoulder? Does this mean everyone in your group has to be best friends? Take time at the very beginning of this meeting to set some expectations of vulnerability and honesty that your NavGroup will have. Remember, if someone will go deep everyone will go deep.
  2. This past Sunday we explored how Jesus Connects and the Samaritan women at the well was the primary scripture Pastor David used to see how Jesus Connects. Take a few minutes and make sure everyone in your group is familiar with the story out of John 4:1-42. Is there anything about the story that stands out to you? Is there anyone in the story that you can relate to: Jesus, the women, the disciples or the people of the town? What part of the biblical history stands out most to you?
  3. We discovered that the Samaritan people were a mixture of multiple ethnic groups (2 Kings 17:30-31) and that God was something that they merely added to there life versus the people fully giving their lives to God. Is there an area of your life that you have not allowed God to be fully God in? Take a moment right now as a group and pray the following prayer. After you pray, take a moment of silence to hear what God may say to you as an individual and then share with the group what the Holy spirit has revealed to you. “Dear God, we as individuals and we as a NavGroup want to always have a deeper and more pure relationship with you. Right now we repent for any area of our lives that we have not allowed you to be fully you. Holy Spirit, we ask that you reveal the place that I have closed off to you and help me give my whole life over to you.
  4. “Othering” is a psychological term used where we categorize people as “other” and as we focus on their strangeness until we finally dehumanize them. Jesus, rather than “othering” the Samaritan people, he chose to connect with them. Is there someone, or possibly a group of people that you consider as the “other” people? How can you change your view of them? How can you connect with them?

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