Following your God given dreams

As Joseph begins working in the 7 years of plenty, marries, and has a family, he still had to face giant issues even before reaching the 7 years of lack.  While his son’s names are a testimony to what God had done in and through his life, he still had his share of challenges.  What giants are you facing along your dream’s journey?

Scripture: Genesis 41:46-57

Discussion Topics:

  1. This week read Genesis 41:46 – 57 then summarize it into your own words.  Is there any part of the text that is confusing or needs further clarification?
  2. We read the meaning of one of Joseph’s son’s name is, “Made me fruitful in the land of my sufferings”. This gives us some incite into how Joseph looked at his past. What would you name your past? Is it positive, negative, or somewhere in between?
  3. Name and write down a giant that is standing in the way of your dream.

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