Easter is a very significant date within Christianity and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled prophecy and through his death, has given the gift of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in his death and resurrection. You would think Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends and disciple, would have missed out on this gift of life when he denied Jesus three times. Jesus not only reconnects with Peter, but gave Peter a chance to confess Jesus three times which turns his failure into a powerful faith.

Scripture: Luke 22:56-62

Discussion Topics:

  1. On Easter Sunday, Christians around the world celebrated the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Take time as a group to share your individual salvation experiences and continue to celebrate all that our Savior did for us.
  2. Read Luke 22:56-62 and discuss this portion of scripture. Why would Peter have denied Christ even after Jesus warned Peter that he would? Are you like Peter? If so, how? Using your imagination, what did Peter’s actions do to Jesus?
  3. John 21 tells us that Jesus first met Peter around the same type of fire where Peter denied him. Jesus gave Peter three chances to proclaim who Jesus was instead of denying him. Do you believe that Jesus can love us when we are at our worst? Is there a “fire” (or place of denial) where you need to meet Jesus?

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