The Wise Men The three wise men, Magi from the East have been and continue to be a major part of the Christmas story. Join us and see why it matters that these strangers traveled to see the newborn king.
Pastored Communities, Discipled Individuals
The Wise Men The three wise men, Magi from the East have been and continue to be a major part of the Christmas story. Join us and see why it matters that these strangers traveled to see the newborn king.
Jesus Walks on Water You have probably heard Jesus walked on the water. You might even know the story where Peter got out of the boat and he himself walked on water. How can a story of Jesus walking on water help you today? Join us as we study John 6 and I believe you […]
The Woman at the Well In John 4, we find out that Jesus “had to go through Samaria” (vs 4). One thing history tells us is that you didn’t have to go through Samaria. There is a longer route to take in order to avoid this area. Why did Jesus say he had to go […]
My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light Jesus says in Matthew 11:30, “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”, but what does that mean? The idea of a yoke is not something we deal with or talk about on a daily basis, yet we each go through life everyday with one. […]
Woman caught in Adultery The woman caught in adultery may be one of the hardest stories to read in the New Testament. Compassion overrules the Sin. This week we learn about a woman Jesus is found connecting with rather than condemning.
A Woman with an Issue of Blood This week we look at a dad who found Jesus, was bringing Jesus home to heal his son, but his request got delayed because Jesus stopped to heal another. What can the delay in our request to God do for our faith?
The Disciple Thomas Do you feel like we live in uncertain times? This week we explore the disciple Thomas and his journey of a faith rocking, belief altering experience that brings him face to face with Jesus.
Jesus Calms the Sea Mark’s depiction of the disciples crossing a sea and an out of nowhere a storm is a perfect illustration for our lives today. Have you ever experienced an event you never saw coming? Maybe you didn’t know how to manage it, and it inevitably revealed what was inside of you? Jesus […]
“Let’s Talk Jesus is based on the premise that the Bible is a story of how mankind sinned and broke its relationship with God. Mankind had no hope for restoration then God reconciled mankind to Himself through Jesus Christ. Because of this reconciliation, the central point of the scripture is the life, death, and resurrection […]
Calling of Levi Jesus performed miracles, taught in the temples, and even raised the dead back to life. Eating with a tax collector was what bothered people the most. What can we learn from the time that Jesus called Levi, now known as Matthew, to be one of his disciples? In addition to the lessons […]
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