The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And the way of the wise begins with a single step towards the straight path. But in the way of the wise how do you maintain your wisdom momentum? How do you create lasting wisdom? Join Pastor Aaron as he breaks down Proverbs 3 and reveals the process by which we create lasting wisdom in our lives.

Scripture: Proverbs 3

Discussion Topics:

  1. The first step in creating lasting wisdom is to first and foremost trust in the Lord in ALL that you do. What area of your life is your trust lacking in what God can do in and through you? How can you begin to build trust in the Lord in that area? (Prov. 3:5-7)
  2. The second step in creating lasting wisdom is to embrace discipline. Let’s be honest in saying no one likes discipline. But Proverbs 3 communicates that the Lord disciplines those He loves. What have you gone through where you now know God’s punishment to be a tool of preparation? What area(s) of your life today do you need a fresh perspective on the apparent discipline you are facing? (Prov. 3: 11-12)
  3. The third and final step in creating lasting wisdom is to keep your focus – to preserve sound judgement and discernment. What do you do to help you keep your focus on wise things versus your own foolish habits? (Prov. 3: 21-26)
  4. Pastor Aaron referred to humility as an attitude to maintain when creating lasting wisdom. What does humility mean to you? What does it look like in your own life?

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