Survey of the New Testament

2 Peter

In our sixth week of the Survey of the New Testament we will be studying 2 Peter. It is the second letter written to both the Jews and Gentiles living in Asia Minor. Why another letter to the same group of people? The first letter regarded external persecution they faced where as the second letter dealt with internal issues arising within the church. Peter received reports of false teachers and felt compelled to warn of their insidious presence and the heresies being spread among the people.

2 Peter

Discussion topics

  1. When you watch this week’s video from the Bible Project, is there an aspect of the video that sticks out to you? An objection that Peter addresses that is hard for you to comprehend or accept? Do you think the warnings that he gave 2,000 years ago are still relevant for today?
  2. Read 2 Peter 1:5-7 and define each one of the seven traits that Peter tells us we need to have. After you have talked about the seven traits, discuss why Peter put them in the order that he did. Do you think they are in a random order or did Peter lay them out in this order for a specific reason?
  3. Once you are done discussing question #2, read 2 Peter 1:8-9. “How does this thought fit into the traits described in verses 5-7?”
  4. Of the traits found in question 2, which one do you need to work on in your own life? How can you accomplish this in a practical way?

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