Freedom Through Christ – Anointed at Bethany

Anointed at Bethany If you were Jesus, and you were weeks out from going to the cross, how would you be feeling?  If you were Jesus, and you knew that your friend and disciple, Judas, was going to betray you, how would you process that?  With all this going on around and in Jesus, what […]

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What Was He Thinking? If you were on your way to imminent death, what would you be focused on?  How would you be acting?  In Mark 10, Jesus was taking his final trip into Jerusalem before his death, burial, and resurrection.  We get a glimpse into his thoughts and intentions when he comes face-to-face with […]

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Becoming the Church – Stuck in Saturday

Stuck in Saturday How do you think the disciples felt during this Easter weekend? For modern people it is easy to celebrate Good Friday because we know that Easter Sunday brings the celebration of Jesus back from the dead. What if you were living in the moment and the prophet, healer, teacher and your friend […]

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Easter Sunday Celebration

Easter is a very significant date within Christianity and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled prophecy and through his death, has given the gift of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in his death and resurrection. You would think Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends and […]

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