Feels Like A Con-Tentment
Feels Like A Con-Tentment
Selfishness Are you selfish? Do you know someone who is selfish? Do you even know the definition of selfish? Selfish according to the dictionary is lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure. With that definition in mind, can’t we all admit that we have some level of selfish behaviors […]
Generosity When God gives, he gives outrageously. He gives himself. How would people describe your giving? Are you generous?
What is this series about? Why do people go to church? What is the church? Is the church a building or is it a people? If I handed you a Bible, and after you read it I asked: what’s the church? What’s the chance you’d say it’s a building, a business, or an institution? I’d […]
What is this series about? The definition of vision – the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. As we step into 2022 God has placed some key strategies, specific directions, and major shifts on the hearts of the pastoral staff. Join us as we set the course for Navigation […]
Vision Sunday The definition of vision – the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. As we step into 2022 God has placed some key strategies, specific directions, and major shifts on the hearts of the pastoral staff. Join us as we set the course for Navigation Church and as […]
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