Following your God given dreams

We pick up our story in this series when Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, an Egyptian official.  Joseph prospered as his attendant and God gave him success in everything he did.  However, Joseph encountered his master’s wife’s advances and deceptions and soon found himself in prison after being falsely accused.  How do you think he felt having all of his God given success striped away? The bible tells us “the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.”  Let’s see how Joseph responded to this adversity so we can learn how to overcome the bullies in our journey.Scripture: Genesis 39

Discussion Topics:

  1. What aspect of the story found in Genesis 39 do you relate to the most? Is there any part of the story that you did not understand or need to talk through?
  2. What does it mean to show God’s glory no matter where you are? (work, play, home etc.) What keeps you from doing this?
  3. In the story of Joseph we speculated that he experienced multiple border bullies in Potiphar’s house. Bullies such as other slaves, business partners, and even Potiphar’s wife stood in his way. Who are the border bullies trying to keep you from your dream?

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