Following your God given dreams

In today’s sermon, Pastor expounds on how a true dream fulfilled is one that fulfills others. Joseph came face to face with his brothers, the ones who intended to harm him.  Joseph was now  positioned to save his brothers.  How would you respond if you faced something like Joseph?  Do you see the “good” in your test?Scripture: Genesis 42

Discussion Topics:

  1. Take some time to talk about how Joseph would have been feeling here in Genesis 42.  If you were him, facing the brothers that harmed you all those years ago, how would you be feeling? (no Christianized answers)
  2. How would you have responded to the brothers? If it was different than Joseph’s response,  whose response is better? What does it take to have a response like Joseph’s?
  3. When you achieve your dream will you be able to say this about those who tried to stop you? “You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives”. Genesis 50:20

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