Following your God given dreams

We pick up with Joseph in prison this week.  After being falsely accused by his master’s wife he was thrown into prison for who knows how long.  Left to face his wasteland alone, how do you think Joseph feels?  Can God move in this wasteland? Scripture: Genesis 40

Discussion Topics:

  1. Take some time to talk about how Joseph would have been feeling in Genesis 37. If you spent 11 years prospering in your master’s house, doing what was right, how would you be feeling in this situation if you were Joseph?
  2. One of the main points of this past week’s sermon was, “Would you sacrifice dignity for conviction or conviction for dignity?” What does this phrase mean to you? Is there an area where you sacrificed your spiritual convictions for your fleshly dignity (or desires)?
  3. Joseph saw God doing something in his wasteland the moment he saw the two men were dejected. Are you in a wasteland place right now? Have you been able to find God? If you have not, take a moment and think… is there a place God is moving but you haven’t noticed?

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