Following your God given dreams
As part of this sermon series, each week we will enjoy scenes from an original musical – live on stage! This theatrical presentation follows the allegorical tale of a man named Ordinary as he leaves behind the Land of Familiar and goes on a quest to realize the dream for his life that he has been given by the Dream Giver.
This week we begin our conversation looking at the early days of Joseph, the dreamer.  What dreams are in your heart?  Are you pursuing those dreams?  Do you have “brothers” in the way of your dream?
Scripture: Genesis 37Discussion Topics:

  1. What aspect of the story found in Genesis 37 do you relate to the most? Is there any part of the story that you did not understand or need to talk through?
  2. In your life, and over the next eight weeks, what is a dream you are pursuing?
  3. Is there a dream in your life that you let die or thought “the dream is too big for me”? What is that dream?
  4. What would someone do with your dream if they were confident that God was with them?

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