This week completes our 40 Day Spiritual journey through the study of The Miracle of Mercy. In our final conversation we will see that helping someone enter heaven is the greatest act of mercy you can do for them. Join us as we discuss the five ways we can care for the lost.
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15b

Discussion Topics:

  1. Are you prepared to “give the reason for the hope that you have”? For the next ten minutes, pair up with one other person and practice telling your story by answering these three questions:
  2. What was your life like before you knew Jesus Christ?
  3. How did you meet him?
  4. What difference has he made in your life?
  5. We would love to hear how God has changed your life through The Miracle of Mercy study.  by sharing your story, you can inspire and encourage others.  Have you experienced forgiveness, compassion for the hurting, reconciliation in a relationship, or a change of heart toward a particularly difficult person in your life?  Email us at to tell us about your experience.

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