His Purpose

There are three big questions in life: why am I alive, does life matter, and what is my purpose?  As we begin our 40-day spiritual campaign, we start by understanding that we matter to God. God longs for you to discover the life He created you to live – here on earth and forever in eternity.

Colossians 1:15-16, Ephesians 1:4

Discussion topics

  1. “God created me to love me.”  When did you first hear about God’s love?
  2. “I was made to last forever.”  How does that statement strike you? Are you encouraged, puzzled, disappointed, surprised?
  3. “I find my purpose in God.”  As you embark on this journey of discovery, how ready are you to explore the truth about God’s purpose for your life?
  4. “Life is not about you; it’s all about God.” What difference could it make if I acted like life is all about God and not about myself?
Check out our other audio series and video playlists that can help you take your next step in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

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