In our Wonder Women of the Bible series, we find a villainous queen killing off the righteous true heirs to the throne. Our Wonder Woman, Jehosheba, sweeps in to save the last surviving heir in the lineage of David, Joash. The story has a triumphant ending seven years later when King Joash takes his rightful place as heir to the throne.

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 22:10 – 23:21

Discussion Topics:

  1. Since Jehosheba is not a commonly talked about character in the Bible, take a few minutes to talk about the story, remember the main point shared on Sunday, and discuss what stands out to you about this event.
  2. For seven years Jehosheba and her husband hid away the soon-to-be king Joash in the temple. We see here how God shielded the boy from a situation in order for the boy to discover who he was called to be. Has God ever removed you from an environment only to reveal something to you in order to return you back to the original place better equipped to fulfill your purpose?
  3. On Sunday, Pastor stated, “fight the urge to quit”. Is there a place in your life, whether healthy or unhealthy, where you want to quit the fight but you truly know you should fight the urge to quit?
  4. What is one attribute that Jehosheba demonstrated that you desire in your life?

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