David: Lived His Worship

This week we dive into the life of David and how, in a shepherd field, his routine of worship developed and readied him for the battlefield.

Psalm 89:15, I Samuel 17:45-47

Discussion topics

1. Opening question, nice and easy, what is worship?  In your own words, what do you define worship to be?

2. David developed a routine of worship in the secret, private place, a shepherd’s field.  We know that worship was inside of him because when hard times hit, battles raged, relationships got hard, worship was the things that came out of David.  When hard times hit, or battles rage on, or when relationships get hard, what normally comes out of you?

3. How have you, how would you, develop a routine of worship? What specifically would that look like for you?

4. What change will you make tomorrow morning to intentionally become a worshiper?

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