
What Was He Thinking? If you were on your way to imminent death, what would you be focused on?  How would you be acting?  In Mark 10, Jesus was taking his final trip into Jerusalem before his death, burial, and resurrection.  We get a glimpse into his thoughts and intentions when he comes face-to-face with […]

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Easter – A Life & Death Decision: John

John’s Life & Death Decision The disciple John experienced a turning point during the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. Through the journey of his life, we see what a life fully surrendered to the love of Christ looks like. And through the journey of his life was can see our own journey too. Be encouraged to […]

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Easter – A Life & Death Decision: Judas

Judas Is there a person in the Bible more infamously known for betrayal than Judas? It is a name synonymous with betrayal and even to this day I seriously doubt you have met too many people named Judas. But what can his life teach us? How can we learn from Jesus how to live with […]

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Easter – A Life & Death Decision: Peter

Peter The life of Jesus’ disciple Peter is one that most people can relate. Peter had to deal with his denial of Jesus after Jesus was alive from the dead. How can we know that Jesus is alive? Know that he died for our sins, believe he is our Savior, yet continue dealing with the […]

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Easter – A Life & Death Decision

What is this series about? Have you ever considered those who still carried baggage despite the hope that Jesus brought? Peter with his denial, Judas with his betrayal, and Thomas with his questions, all had one thing in common. They had to deal with their past pains while living with he benefit of a saved […]

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A Life & Death Decision – Pick Your Jesus

Pick Your Jesus While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat he found himself standing between Jesus our Messiah and Jesus Barabbas the insurrectionist. Both men claiming to be a Messiah, both wanting to establish a kingdom and both men left it up to the people to choose which Jesus they wanted. This Easter, and […]

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Easter – A Life & Death Decision: Pick Your Jesus

What is this series about? While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat he found himself standing between Jesus our Messiah and Jesus Barabbas the insurrectionist. Both men claiming to be a Messiah, both wanting to establish a kingdom and both men left it up to the people to choose which Jesus they wanted. This […]

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Easter Sunday Celebration

Easter is a very significant date within Christianity and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled prophecy and through his death, has given the gift of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in his death and resurrection. You would think Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends and […]

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Easter Sunday Celebration

Easter is a very significant date within Christianity and is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled prophecy and through his death, has given the gift of eternal life in heaven to those who believe in his death and resurrection. You would think Peter, one of Jesus’s closest friends and […]

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