Samuel This week we will explore the early days of Samuel, his process of growing into ministry and how Israel recognized his gift. You will discover the stages of hearing from God, how to know if it is God speaking, and why God speaks to you.
Samuel This week we will explore the early days of Samuel, his process of growing into ministry and how Israel recognized his gift. You will discover the stages of hearing from God, how to know if it is God speaking, and why God speaks to you.
Samson In the book of Judges we watch the nation of Israel live and relive a deadly pattern of sin. The Israelites would then repent, God would send a deliverer, and the people would enter a season of rest. This Sunday we look at the lessons we need to learn so we do not live […]
Joshua Joshua, found in the book of Exodus as an assistant to Moses, became famous in the book of Numbers as one of two spies. What made him qualified to be one of two guys that were allowed to enter the Promised Land after the forty year sentence of wandering?
Moses Moses is one of the most well-known characters of the Bible. Versions of his story have even been told by Hollywood movies and DreamWorks Animation. His story has captured and inspired many. And during our current series, Good Old Stories, we look at the narrative of his life and, together, we will examine a […]
Joseph While Joseph’s story is one of the most well known stories in the Bible — the dreamer with the multi-colored coat who was sold into slavery by his brothers who eventually became second-in-command over all of Egypt during a great famine — in this sermon, we examine the key relational collisions Joseph experienced.
Jacob & Esau In the story of Jacob we find him living up to his name as a deceiver and trickster at many points in his journey. What if through his redemption we see our own? Are you ready for a new name and a new nature?
Ishmael & Isaac Ishmael was born to the family through the handmaiden Hagar but some fourteen years later God allowed Sarai to conceive and give birth to Isaac. What are we to learn from this historical narrative? Where do we repeat Abrahams foolishness and what can we do today to live with the faith that […]
Abraham In Genesis 11 we see a shift in God’s relationship to mankind. For the first 2,000 years God had a general relationship with all mankind. Then, God worked His purpose through one people, one race, one nation through one man, Abraham. Abraham is not only the genesis of the Judaism faith, but is the […]
Noah The Genesis flood is one of the best known narratives in the entire Bible. Logically, a great flood can’t be denied in human history so the question remains, what should we learn from this time in human history. Join us as we cover the story of Noah.
Cain & Abel Cain, who was a farmer, was the first born human to Adam and Eve. Abel, who was a shepherd, was his brother. The reason this story is so famous was this has gone down in history as the first murder. Join us as we look into the lives of Cain and Abel.
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