Life Beyond the Broken Pieces
Life Beyond the Broken Pieces
Joseph While Joseph’s story is one of the most well known stories in the Bible — the dreamer with the multi-colored coat who was sold into slavery by his brothers who eventually became second-in-command over all of Egypt during a great famine — in this sermon, we examine the key relational collisions Joseph experienced.
As Joseph begins working in the 7 years of plenty, marries, and has a family, he still had to face giant issues even before reaching the 7 years of lack. While his son’s names are a testimony to what God had done in and through his life, he still had his share of challenges. What […]
This week we find Joseph summoned by Pharaoh to interpret his troubling dreams. Joseph speaks the truth behind the dreams and is raised once again to serve in the palace. While not an ideal location, the prison provided the preparation Joseph needed for the next step of his personal dream. What are you doing in […]
We pick up our story in this series when Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, an Egyptian official. Joseph prospered as his attendant and God gave him success in everything he did. However, Joseph encountered his master’s wife’s advances and deceptions and soon found himself in prison after being falsely accused. How do […]
Greatest Showman – Inspired by the imagination of P.T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business & tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation. We host At the Movies because throughout Jesus’ entire time on earth he […]
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